PVC Modifications: CPVC Pipes and Fittings for Water Supply and Management

Polyvinyl chloride may have the distinction of being the original thermoplastic for pipes and fittings, but over the decades since its first use in Europe, there have been advances in technology which has led to the discovery and modification of PVC. Among the different modifications of PVC which are used for pipes and fittings, chlorinated PVC or CPVC is a common one. Chlorination of PVC gives it enhanced flexibility and the ability to withstand higher temperatures.

The CPVC pipes and fittings were first manufactured in the 1960s and since then, have been put widely into use for piping applications around the world. However, there is no fixed percentage of the chlorine which is added to the PVC during the manufacturing process and this often depends from manufacturer to manufacturer.

It is the ability of CPVC pipes and fittings to withstand a wider rage of high temperatures that makes them a suitable solution for hot and cold water applications. The best CPVC pipe for hot water can withstand temperatures as high as 95 degree Celsius in the short term, and 93 degree Celsius in the long term. This is ideal for their use in hot water applications as well as central heating and cooling systems.

CPVC pipe fittings and pipes are also known for their high resistance to corrosion. They can withstand tough working conditions even under exposure to chemicals such as acids, bases and a number of different salts. This makes them an ideal choice for replacing traditional metal pipes which are more susceptible to corrosion and can break down easily, causing leaks and damage to the entire pipeline.

Another important mechanical property of CPVC pipes and fittings pertains to their flexibility. CPVC pipes and fittings are more flexible as compared to PVC, and hence can be welded easily for installation even in small and narrower spaces. CPVC also has fire retardant properties and they can also be used for self-supporting installations where the temperature ranges are extreme. Some manufacturers also make them from food grade material which makes them suitable for potable water supply.

For water supply and management applications, explore the full suite of CPVC solutions from Wavin. With cost-effective, durable, and temperature resistant construction, Wavin CPVC pipes give you long lasting high efficiency performance year after year.


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